
Enjoyment of photography

I started taking photos back in high school, taking photos of my brother playing football. We actually had a dark room and developed our own photos. My mom always had photos of us growing up, still remember all the envelopes in a desk drawer with the photos of us along with the negatives. Years later, still enjoying photography but fortunately using wonderful digital technology of a mirrorless camera, Sony a9ii. I always thought Sony could make great tvs but they definitely excel in cameras!

Always surrounded by dogs, I enjoy taking their photos, whether fun action shots and catching them in a moment for a candid portrait. In addition to the dogs, I love wildlife, including birds - both the beautiful songbirds on the bird feeders in the front yard to the large raptors such as Bald Eagles to other wildlife. Always enjoy when I can get a good shot of a bird or animal, but mostly I enjoy being out there with them regardless of photo. This city girl does enjoy being outdoors with a camera in tow.